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 Know that YOU are what you are looking for?  then, nothing truly nothing is holding you back except your own thinking and beliefs

When challenges arrive in life there's one thing that I have found really shifts me out of "problem" perspective. 


You know the thinking mind is set up dualistically.  If there is not problem, the mind is out of a job.  It's "business" is to be either for or against, to create division and problems to solve. 

We live in a world that's yes/no, good/bad, right/wrong ....hey we're told not to sit on the fence, but here's the thing. . . 

It's got nothing to do with who we are. 


The only reason you are at a crossroads or seeming standstill at the moment is that it appears that you aren't moving or you "think" you should be somewhere different .  









The mind wants to help and believes things need to change.  This temporary halt is often more about a sense of resistance to what is, than the actual circumstances themselves.   The most important thing is, you are here - so the question is are you willing  to see things differently?


You are just exactly where they are supposed to be. The most productive thing to "do" is go in to the feelings that you may intuitively want to avoid.   This seems counter intuitive, but with the right help this process is your doorway into a brand new way of being.


The mind tells  you "there are things out there that are not going to wait for you", ...but really you can never miss an opportunity.  This is the beauty of living in a non-linear paradigm...let me explain.



I would like you to consider this.  What if the solution to your "problem" right now is not in your mind?


Take a moment to ask:  "What's wrong with right now if you don't think about it?" Sailor Bob Adamson


You may notice a brief pause in trying to answer the question posed.  Yet you didn't were still breathing, your blood still pumping and fingernails growing etc.  


We have a number of senses including our thinking mind, yet we have been conditioned to trust and rely on our intellect and thinking as paramount.

Notice the feeling of your body on the chair and get a sense of your being right here reading the words on this screen. 


When the mind is still the reality of presence begins to be noticed.  We get back in touch with our other senses.  There is nothing wrong with the mind and thinking, it can simply go on, we cannot actually stop it and we don't need to.  The mind or thinking by nature is constantly creating and flowing.  We can however begin to release the belief that ultimately answers are only found in thinking.  Now we can also learn to disconnect from unproductive mind patterns and open up to our inner resources if you would like to explore this more.






Thoughts, ideas,  words or concepts are all part of how the mind will attempt to describe a thing.  But our "beingness" is not a  thing.   The mind makes up a story about what it thinks is happening, but when it cannot find a solution -  we may begin to experience negative or destructive self thoughts.  Now we have that added discomfort and stress.   We have the capacity to be mindful of the thoughts that come up, and that's where power of attention comes in.  But this coaching is more about getting to know more of your true nature.


The less energy of belief we give to the stressful thinking, the less power it has to continue until eventually believing in the  thinking of stressful thoughts dissolves altogether.  We have to first recognise and detach from the destructive thinking and we see more of the truth of our being as well.









Well, maybe this gives you a glimpse into the nature of this coaching.  The work itself is actually going beyond the mind and our conditioned duality thinking which is in part due to the physiology of our brains.  This is why for the most part you will be coached to disidentify with the mind's "storytelling" .

These sessions tend to bring the body's vibration up.  There is a point in consciousness where the frequency is actually beyond thought and the mind naturally becomes quiet. 

This is where life gets more "magical" indeed.  But mostly you will come to realise you have in essence always been free. . . you are freedom itself.


Blessings to you.  Thank you for reading.


If you would like to find out more                                      please click below to connect with Peggy









or if you are ready to dive in click here                           to schedule a free session or go deep


























Perspective is everything...when you see something as it really is,

not through a distorted lens, you truly know what you are dealing with

aligning with the part of you that has access to infinite possibilies

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