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You can experience flow and Balance

in all aspects of your life, health, relationships & CAREER

" The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. " Nikola Tesla

"who you are, brightest star, take it far, believe in the power of who you are...brightest star"

"vibing" ©2014PeggyvanZalm


lyrics excerpt from "Nuisance" song from Peggy's CD Light Diamond ©2006 available at


Is Flower of Life Coaching

for You?


If you feel like you've been living life on hold or on endless repeat with more of the same in your relationships, career or personal life, I certainly know how you feel.  Not long ago I picked up a diary I had kept from my late twenties and started reading, only to be alarmed to find the same kind of language and observations that I had been ruminating on that morning.  It really made me question whether I had made any real progress at all in the last twenty years. 


Fortunately the incident served to prompt me to make a definitive leap. 


Practically, the only thing we can really do is what is right here now in front of us.  All the rest is conjecture and the mind conceptualising about ideas of past and possible futures.  





The changes and growth that are wanting to happen can come about harmoniously and simply  - 


 This is not a difficult process and you have all the answers within you .  We have just been looking in the wrong place all this time.  


Presently I am offering  intro "DISCOVERY SESSIONS"  in line with a brand new year ... NOW IS THE TIME


I look forward to meeting and assisting you,








Presently we are each of us straddling two worlds...the world of the mind/ego which includes the density and emotions associated with that, and the new earth flowing as heartullness, gliding unidentified with the usual day to day concerns.  We can choose to flow with life, rather than push against circumstances when we are aware of what we are capable of beyond cultural conditioning.  This is  life as nature intended.  Life that presents as always supporting us ~ if we can perceive it so.  We just have to learn this new language by reconnecting with our bodies and utilising the mind as a tool,anchored in with the heart . 

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